WebdesignerNews - Archives (juin 2014)

Web Developer Tools & Resources

Le: 30 06 2014 à 10:12 Auteur: Cameron

PrettyEmbed.js gives you a more streamlined, attractive look for your YouTube embeds. It fetches the highest resolution preview image, gives you advanced customization of embed options, and even has optional FitVids support.

Le: 29 06 2014 à 10:03 Auteur: Cameron

Card makes your credit card forms way friendlier with just a single line of code. It’s all pure HTML, CSS,  and JavaScript, with no images or other dependencies.

Le: 28 06 2014 à 10:32 Auteur: Cameron

Ampersand.js is a “non-frameworky” framework for building advanced JavaScript apps. It’s simple but designed for rich app experiences, while being loosely coupled and highly modular.

Le: 27 06 2014 à 10:46 Auteur: Cameron

EvaporateJS is a JavaScript library for browser to S3 multipart uploads. It can resume an upload after a problem without having to start over from the beginning, saving much time and frustration.

Le: 26 06 2014 à 10:39 Auteur: Cameron

Google Developer’s Web Starter Kit is a boilerplate and tooling for multi-device development. It’s responsive, and includes a living component style guide, cross-device synchronization, and live browser reloading.

Le: 25 06 2014 à 10:16 Auteur: Cameron

Multithread.js makes in-browser multithreading easy, letting you run any code you like without interrupting the user experience. It’s a simple wrapper that lets you avoid using Web Workers and transferable objects.

Le: 24 06 2014 à 10:22 Auteur: Cameron

Fenix Web Server is a simple, static desktop web server for Windows and OS X. It’s easy to use, has a beautiful interface, and lets you share online through localtunnel.

Le: 23 06 2014 à 10:07 Auteur: Cameron

SideComment.js is an easy way to add comment functionality on a per-paragraph level, similar to Medium. Comments are displayed to the side of the text, rather than at the bottom, with a link to add a comment beside each paragraph.

Le: 22 06 2014 à 10:05 Auteur: Cameron

Teddy is an easy-to-read HTML-based templating engine. It has a mostly logic-less DOM with support for server-side and client-side templating.

Le: 21 06 2014 à 10:13 Auteur: Cameron

React Bootstrap is a set of Bootstrap components built in React. It includes buttons, drop downs, modals, and much more.

Le: 20 06 2014 à 10:02 Auteur: Cameron

SassySkeleton is a framework for creating better structured styles based on Sass and Compass. It’s main purpose is to serve as a structural proposal to get you started.

Le: 19 06 2014 à 10:45 Auteur: Cameron

Headstart is an easy to use automated front-end setup that gets you up and running in seconds. It uses a folder structure and takes care of all the dependencies you’ll need, and even includes optimizations for all sorts of things, like SVG images and hinting.

Le: 18 06 2014 à 10:53 Auteur: Cameron

MotorCortex.js lets you describe your web animations using a simple CSS-like syntax rather than standard JavaScript animation logic. It’s fully documented with examples.

Le: 17 06 2014 à 10:43 Auteur: Cameron

Odyssey.js is a platform for creating interactive stories for journalists, designers, and others. It’s completely open source, and lets you easily build stories using pre-made templates (or you can dive into the source code).

Le: 16 06 2014 à 10:35 Auteur: Cameron

Sysend.js is a messaging utility that lets you send messages between open pages in your browser, as long as they’re in the same domain. There are no dependencies, and it only uses the HTML5 LocalStorage API.

Le: 15 06 2014 à 10:36 Auteur: Cameron

Parse-Form is a micro-library for parsing and manipulating forms using JavaScript. It includes helper methods to grab both raw nodes and jQuery wrapped nodes.

Le: 14 06 2014 à 10:29 Auteur: Cameron

TaffyDB is a JavaScript library that brings database-like functionality to your apps. It’s small file size means fast queries, and it includes database features like count, update, and insert.

Le: 13 06 2014 à 10:56 Auteur: Cameron

This colorful jQuery Cheat Sheet is your one-stop reference for the jQuery API. It covers selectors, attributes, CSS, events, effects, and much more.  

Le: 12 06 2014 à 10:43 Auteur: Cameron

Tooveo is a free service for developers and designers to save all of the web resources they want to remember. It’s free to sign up, makes it easy to search for resources via Google, and lets you connect with other designers and developers to share resources.

Le: 11 06 2014 à 10:36 Auteur: Cameron

Bounce.js makes it easy to create CSS3 animations without coding. Just use the online tool to create your animations and then export the CSS for use on your site.

Le: 10 06 2014 à 10:26 Auteur: Cameron

Archteype is a Compass/Sass framework for creating configurable, composable UI patterns and components. It’s well documented and uses a natural language syntax.

Le: 09 06 2014 à 10:22 Auteur: Cameron

Supervisor is a process control system that lets users monitor and control processes on UNIX-like operating systems. It’s designed to control processes related to a specific project or customer, rather than as a substitute for init as “process id 1″.

Le: 08 06 2014 à 10:03 Auteur: Cameron

Socket.IO 1.0 is a framework for handing real-time, bidirectional, event-based communication. It’s cross-browser and cross-device compatible, with a focus on speed and reliability.

Le: 07 06 2014 à 10:39 Auteur: Cameron

This PHP Date & Converter is a reference chart that displays common date and time formats used in PHP. It also includes a Unix timestamp converter.

Le: 06 06 2014 à 10:28 Auteur: Cameron

Augment is the smallest and fastest JavaScript inheritance pattern in the world, at just seven lines. It lets you simply write CoffeeScript-style classes, and it works on virtually any JavaScript platform.

Le: 05 06 2014 à 10:09 Auteur: Cameron

Zoomerang lets you add zoom control to almost any element on your existing website. There’s no setup or arbitrary styling, and it still works even if you resize or scroll the page.

Le: 04 06 2014 à 10:18 Auteur: Cameron

Opal is a Ruby to JavaScript compiler that runs in any browser, plus a corelib and runtime implementation. It’s a great resource for building fast client-side applications in Ruby.

Le: 03 06 2014 à 10:57 Auteur: Cameron

Pleeease is a CSS post-processor that deals with all the things a pre-processor shouldn’t have to do. That includes things like adding prefixes, adding pseudo-element and rem support, and much more.

Le: 02 06 2014 à 10:10 Auteur: Cameron

Crosswalk is a complete web runtime environment for ambitious HTML5 applications. It offers up all the features of a modern browser along with an API for adding native extensions and deep device integration.

Le: 01 06 2014 à 10:06 Auteur: Cameron

The Tumblr Boilerplate is a simple starting point for any Tumblr theme. It’s HTML5 based, includes the various post types, and is optimized for speed, among other features.