Web Developer Tools & Resources
C3.js is a D3-based reusable chart library that doesn’t require you to write any actual D3 code. It’s fully controllable and easy to customize, too.
Duo.js is a next generation package manager for the front end that blends ideas from Component, Browserify, and Go. It makes writing and organizing front-end code fast and pain-free.
Impulse is a dynamic physics animations engine for the mobile web. It’s small, only about 9kb when minified and gzipped, and has no large dependencies (though it works fine with jQuery).
S Gallery is a responsive jQuery gallery plugin that includes CSS3 animations inspired by Sony’s products gallery. It supports touch/swipe functions, too.
PACE (Progress Automatically. Certain to Entertain.) is an automatic page load progress bar built with JavaScript and CSS. There are a number of themes available, including barber shop, big counter, corner indicator, and center radar, among others.
Circliful is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to add circular loaders to your webpages. Configurable options allow you to loading text and info text, and you can even use half-circles.
Eloquent JavaScript, now in its second edition, is a free ebook that offers up a modern introduction to JavaScript programming. It covers everything from program structure to regular expressions to Node.js, and everything in between.
Mobify.js makes it quick and easy to create responsive versions of your website. It provides responsive images, JavaScript and CSS optimization, and Adaptive Templating, among other features.
Croppic is a jQuery plugin that makes cropping your images easy. It’s fully documented, with a few options for how it works.
High Voltage is a Rails engine for easily adding static pages to your apps. It’s easy to set up and configure, and makes it simple to add things like a static “about” page.
Flux, from Facebook, is an application architecture for building user interfaces, and more pattern than formal framework. It complements React’s composable view components via a unidirectional data flow.