WebdesignerNews - Archives (octobre 2014)

Web Developer Tools & Resources

Le: 31 10 2014 à 09:15 Auteur: Cameron

Glumpy is a python library for fast, scalable scientific visualizations. It serves as an interface between OpenGL and numpy.

Le: 30 10 2014 à 09:08 Auteur: Cameron

NoMe is a JavaScript library for using HTML5’s geolocation and location data. It gives you access to location and weather information without having to install a bunch of huge database files locally or signing up with multiple services.

Le: 29 10 2014 à 09:22 Auteur: Cameron

CSSplot lets you plot points on a chart purely with CSS. It works for bar charts, vertical bar charts, and scatter plots.

Le: 28 10 2014 à 09:14 Auteur: Cameron

FlowupLabels.js augments your form labels so they behave like placeholders, shrinking and moving out of the way on active fields. It uses semantic labels, rather than actual placeholders.

Le: 27 10 2014 à 09:17 Auteur: Cameron

ZorroSVG makes it easy to add masks to your SVG images. It makes it possible to create images with PNG-like transparency while maintaining small file sizes.

Le: 26 10 2014 à 09:28 Auteur: Cameron

Fabric, from Twitter, is an easy way to build mobile apps. It’s cross-platform compatible and modular, with SDKs organized into “kits” to make dev easier.

Le: 25 10 2014 à 10:42 Auteur: Cameron

Dropcap.js makes it simple to add drop caps to your online typography, like many print designs. You can specify different fonts for the dropcap and paragraph type, as well as baseline position and height.

Le: 24 10 2014 à 10:37 Auteur: Cameron

Snap Tomato is an easy-to-use app for testing HTML5 on any device. Just open up the editor and the real time preview in separate tabs, and start coding.

Le: 23 10 2014 à 10:02 Auteur: Cameron

Cropman is a facially-aware image cropping tool that you can incorporate into your responsive sites or apps. Rather than cropping an image around a central point, Cropman recognizes faces in the image and crops around them.

Le: 22 10 2014 à 10:49 Auteur: Cameron

Themosis Framework is a developer framework that makes it easier to build custom websites and applications with WordPress. It offers fine-tuned routing, custom post types, forms, validation, ajax, and much more.

Le: 21 10 2014 à 10:48 Auteur: Cameron

SweetAlert is a beautiful replacement for JavaScript’s standard “alerts”. It’s easy to install and uses SASS for styling.

Le: 20 10 2014 à 10:37 Auteur: Cameron

Set is an unobtrusive, dry template engine for Node.js and browsers that gives you 100% valid HTML5 templates. It’s visual, so you can design in your favorite visual editor and even use mock data in your templates.

Le: 19 10 2014 à 10:41 Auteur: Cameron

Cylon.js is a next generation robotics framework that’s compatible with 27 different platforms. It makes it incredibly easy and fun to command robots using JavaScript.

Le: 18 10 2014 à 10:29 Auteur: Cameron

Flexy Boxes is a flexbox code generator and playground in one. Just set the options for your flexboxes, preview them, and then output the code.

Le: 17 10 2014 à 10:21 Auteur: Cameron

Schema is a modular front-end framework that helps you more quickly build complex web interfaces. It’s fully responsive with a 12-column grid, uses Less CSS, and works for everything from prototypes to production websites.

Le: 16 10 2014 à 10:10 Auteur: Cameron

Nightmare is a high level wrapper for Phantomjs. It’s pluggable, has a simple API, and is well documented.

Le: 15 10 2014 à 10:22 Auteur: Cameron

Reveal.js is a framework for creating HTML presentations with CSS 3D transforms to transition between slides. It even has support for sub-slides that can be accessed from within individual slides.

Le: 14 10 2014 à 10:18 Auteur: Cameron

Kickstart is an easy to theme front-end framework that works with either semantic CSS mixins or CSS classes. It includes just one CSS file and one JavaScript file, with no jQuery required.

Le: 13 10 2014 à 10:52 Auteur: Cameron

BootstrapValidator is a jQuery form field validator built for use with Bootstrap 3. It includes 48 built-in validators, and it’s easy to write new validators to meet your needs.

Le: 12 10 2014 à 10:43 Auteur: Cameron

NoUiSlider is a range slider without the bloat, but with a ton of features. It’s lightweight and as minimal as possible, so it’s compatible on a wide range of devices.

Le: 11 10 2014 à 10:30 Auteur: Cameron

CSS:Next is a CSS transpiler that lets you use CSS4+ currently, by converting it into more compatible CSS that’s supported by current modern browsers. It’s similar to Myth or SUIT CSS preprocessors but supports more features.

Le: 10 10 2014 à 10:05 Auteur: Cameron

Gleez CMS is a content management system built on the Kohana Framework. It’s open source and extensible, and supports modules, themes, and more.

Le: 09 10 2014 à 10:12 Auteur: Cameron

Tachyons is a performance-first CSS framework that includes simple, fast modules and components. It’s easy to get started with and only 6.2kb when gzipped.

Le: 08 10 2014 à 10:02 Auteur: Cameron

Pikabu is a framework for creating off-canvas flyout panels. It has simple markup, supports native scrolling, and is fully customizable.

Le: 07 10 2014 à 10:43 Auteur: Cameron

Koutu Swiss is a CSS framework for Stylus. It gives you tons of mixins, functions and utilities for faster coding.

Le: 06 10 2014 à 10:39 Auteur: Cameron

The CSStyle method is implemented using a set of SASS mixins that make your CSS readable and semantic. It generates your selectors for you, and automatically handles things like nesting.

Le: 05 10 2014 à 10:51 Auteur: Cameron

DeLorean.js is an agnostic JavaScript framework that makes it easy to apply Flux concepts to your user interfaces. It supports unidirectional data flow, automatically listens to data changes and keeps your data updated, and more.

Le: 04 10 2014 à 10:36 Auteur: Cameron

Gridscrolling.js is a jQuery plugin that helps layout HTML5 articles, especially those that include a lot of asides. You just focus on writing, and it will take care of formatting everything for you.

Le: 03 10 2014 à 10:24 Auteur: Cameron

SkipTo is a plugin from PayPal to replace the classic “skipnav” link. It creates a drop down with links to important parts of the page, making it easier for keyboard and screen reader users to navigate your page.

Le: 02 10 2014 à 10:06 Auteur: Cameron

Kata is a JavaScript JSON templating engine that works on a basis of ten block types. There are template blocks, conditional blocks, import blocks, and many more.

Le: 01 10 2014 à 10:01 Auteur: Cameron

Qhuery is a “stupid Sass experiment with colors” that generates 3600 media queries to change the background color of the page. While it has few practical applications in and of itself, it is a neat idea that could be adapted for practical use.