WebdesignerNews - Archives (janvier 2015)

Web Developer Tools & Resources

Le: 31 01 2015 à 09:14 Auteur: Cameron

JavaScript I/O is an npm compatible platform that was originally based on Node.js and built on Chrome’s V8 Runtime. It aims to provide faster and predictable release cycles.

Le: 30 01 2015 à 09:11 Auteur: Cameron

Andy.scss is a collection of free, useful SASS mixins. It includes mixins for things like background gradients, borders, shadows, and more.

Le: 29 01 2015 à 09:05 Auteur: Cameron

October is an open source content management system built on the Laravel PHP Framework. It’s rooted in simplicity and based on flexible patterns.

Le: 28 01 2015 à 09:01 Auteur: Cameron

Parsedown is a Markdown parser built with PHP to include in your apps. It’s fast and consistent, uses GitHub-flavored Markdown, and offers a Markdown Extra extension.

Le: 27 01 2015 à 09:47 Auteur: Cameron

Intercooler.js makes it easy to use Ajax with simple, declarative HTML attributes. It’s incremental, so you can use it for as much or as little as your app as you want, and it works with other libraries and frameworks, including Angular and Ember.

Le: 26 01 2015 à 09:19 Auteur: Cameron

Migrat is a pluggable Node.js migration tool that is not tied any particular database engine and supports multi-node environments. It’s designed for diverse stacks and processes, and allows migrations to be run once globally or once per server.

Le: 25 01 2015 à 09:41 Auteur: Cameron

Bedrock is a minimalist boilerplate for building Express apps. It sets up your views and layout files, sets up a place to store config data, loads popular front-end code, and more.

Le: 24 01 2015 à 09:30 Auteur: Cameron

Bootsy is a simple folder structure for your small projects. It includes versioning and templates folders to make your project easier to organize and maintain.

Le: 23 01 2015 à 09:01 Auteur: Cameron

The Hardening Framework adds a layer into your automation framework that automates server hardening for a variety of setups, strengthening your security. It’s been verified on Ubuntu, RedHat, Debian, Oracle, and CentOS.

Le: 22 01 2015 à 09:54 Auteur: Cameron

Eskimo makes it easier to rapidly build Node.js apps, online stores, APIs, and more. It’s built with open-source packages, and can be used for everything from coming soon pages to referral systems to CDN-hosted assets.

Le: 21 01 2015 à 09:47 Auteur: Cameron

Matter.js is a JavaScript/HTML5 2D physics engine for the web. It includes WebGL and Canvas renderers, it’s cross-browser and mobile compatible, and supports a variety of physics properties.

Le: 20 01 2015 à 09:12 Auteur: Cameron

LumX is a responsive front-end framework that’s based on Google’s Material Design specifications and Angular JS. It’s built on Sass, Bourbon, and Neat, with just a bit of jQuery.

Le: 18 01 2015 à 09:50 Auteur: Cameron

TouchstoneJS is a UI framework powered by React.js for developing hybrid mobile apps. It includes form components, navigation, transitions, native touch behaviors, and much more, with more features on the way.

Le: 17 01 2015 à 09:45 Auteur: Cameron

Hover.css is a collection of CSS3-powered hover effects that you can use for things like links and buttons. It’s easy to apply to your own elements, and also comes in SASS and LESS versions.

Le: 16 01 2015 à 09:42 Auteur: Cameron

Jam.py is an open-source event-drive framework for developing database web and desktop applications. It’s light but powerful, flexible, and secure.

Le: 15 01 2015 à 09:27 Auteur: Cameron

Types.js is a tiny JavaScript library that checks and enforces value type rules. It can check one or multiple arguments simultaneously, and can force a value to be of some type, with an optional value if it fails to convert.

Le: 14 01 2015 à 09:12 Auteur: Cameron

Converse.js is an open source XMPP chat client that can be integrated into any website. It supports Facebook-like chat, multi-user chatrooms, and single-site login, among other features.

Le: 13 01 2015 à 09:03 Auteur: Cameron

Stout is a reliable deploy tool for static websites that doesn’t depend on any specific tool or workflow. It compresses files, supports versioning and rollbacks, and more.

Le: 12 01 2015 à 09:50 Auteur: Cameron

Nightmare is a high-level wrapper for Phantomjs that lets you simplify deeply nested callbacks into sequential statements. It’s pluggable and has a simple API.

Le: 11 01 2015 à 09:45 Auteur: Cameron

If you want to test the nearly infinite possible combinations of form input types, validation patterns, and attributes, then check out the Input Type Sandbox. Just set the input type and validation pattern, input the data you want to test, and click “test validation” to see if any errors are produced.

Le: 10 01 2015 à 09:37 Auteur: Cameron

UX Check is a Chrome Extension that makes it easier to identify usability problems using heuristic evaluation. It uses Nielsen’s 10 heuristics, along with tools for identifying, annotating, and exporting issues.

Le: 09 01 2015 à 09:22 Auteur: Cameron

ECharts is a comprehensive charting library that supports line, column, scatter, radar, candlestick, chord, gauge, funnel, map, and force-directed chart types. It works even if you have tons of data, and can chart 200,000 data points on a Cartesian chart almost instantly.

Le: 08 01 2015 à 09:14 Auteur: Cameron

deSVG makes it simple to remove inline SVG bloat from your HTML. It allows you to style your SVGs with CSS, and keeps your SVGs accessible even without JavaScript.

Le: 07 01 2015 à 09:06 Auteur: Cameron

TheaterJS uses JavaScript to create a typing effect that mimics human behavior. It includes multiple actor management (each with their own characteristics), event handling, and more.

Le: 06 01 2015 à 09:41 Auteur: Cameron

Mini 2 is a naked PHP application that you can use as a starting point for building your own PHP apps. It’s very useful for small projects and quick prototypes, and comes with its own auto-installer.

Le: 04 01 2015 à 09:22 Auteur: Cameron

Titon is a collection of front-end UI components for responsive web pages and apps, as well as a framework of modular back-end packages. It’s mobile-first, with semantic markup and progressive enhancement features.

Le: 03 01 2015 à 09:54 Auteur: Cameron

Gridlover is a tool for creating a typographic system with modular scale and vertical rhythm. It includes easy sliders for font size, line height, and scale factor, as well as options for editing the content and styles.

Le: 02 01 2015 à 09:13 Auteur: Cameron

Mootor is an HTML5 framework for developing mobile apps. It’s minimalist and works on multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and others.