WebdesignerNews - Archives (septembre 2015)

Web Developer Tools & Resources

Le: 30 09 2015 à 10:43 Auteur: Cameron

PostCSS is a tool for transforming styles with JavaScript plugins. It can do the same work as pre-processors, but it’s modular, faster, and more powerful.

Le: 29 09 2015 à 10:33 Auteur: Cameron

WTF, Forms? offers friendlier HTML form controls, including check boxes and radio buttons. It also includes a file browser and progress bars, and works in IE9+, and the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

Le: 28 09 2015 à 10:52 Auteur: Cameron

Simple Hint is a CSS-only tooltip library. It has tons of features, including fade-in transitions, custom sizing, and more.

Le: 27 09 2015 à 10:48 Auteur: Cameron

Sanitize.css allows you to render elements consistently across browsers. You can use current best practices out of the box.

Le: 26 09 2015 à 10:31 Auteur: Cameron

PocketGrid is a pure CSS grid system that’s tiny and powerful. It’s fully responsive, flexible, semantic, and mobile-first.

Le: 25 09 2015 à 10:43 Auteur: Cameron

Typebase.css is a minimalist, customizable stylesheet for your typography. There are both LESS and SASS versions, and it can be easily merged into modern web projects.

Le: 24 09 2015 à 10:39 Auteur: Cameron

Suit CSS is a set of style tools for UI components. It includes a CSS preprocessor, encapsulation testing, style foundation, style utilities, and style components.

Le: 23 09 2015 à 10:36 Auteur: Cameron

UnCSS makes it simple to remove unused styles from your CSS. It supports JavaScript-injected CSS, and will work across multiple files.

Le: 22 09 2015 à 10:29 Auteur: Cameron

Recess is a simple code quality tool for CSS, built on top of LESS. It was built by Twitter to support their internal styleguide.

Le: 21 09 2015 à 10:22 Auteur: Cameron

Pexpect is a pure Python module for spawning child applications, controlling them as if a human were typing commands, and responding to expected output patterns. It can be used for automating interactive apps, setup scripts for duplicating software package installation, and more.

Le: 20 09 2015 à 10:21 Auteur: Cameron

The Web Field Manual code section has been recently updated to reflect evolving web standards. It’s a great reference for things like responsive design, grid design, HTML5, and more.

Le: 19 09 2015 à 10:19 Auteur: Cameron

ContentTools is an open source WYSIWYG editor that can be added to any HTML page. It’s collection of libraries are designed to make it easy to edit your HTML content.

Le: 18 09 2015 à 10:13 Auteur: Cameron

Jaws is a serverless application framework that aims to allow for infinite scalability, and is built entirely of AWS Lambda Functions. It’s quick to get started and cheap to run.

Le: 17 09 2015 à 10:34 Auteur: Cameron

Show me the React is an extension that shows you all the React components on a given page. It’s available for Chrome or Firefox.

Le: 16 09 2015 à 10:31 Auteur: Cameron

Tabella.js gives you pure JavaScript responsive tables. They’re touch-enabled and AMD-ready.

Le: 15 09 2015 à 10:26 Auteur: Cameron

Burger offers minimal, full-screen navigation. It includes beautiful animations and requires zero external bower dependencies.

Le: 14 09 2015 à 10:22 Auteur: Cameron

React CSS Modules provides seamless mapping of class names to CSS modules in React components. It enables modular and reusable CSS.

Le: 13 09 2015 à 10:35 Auteur: Cameron

jQuery Menu Aim is for creating responsive mega-dropdowns like Amazon’s. It differentiates between a user hovering over an item and trying to navigate into a submenu.

Le: 12 09 2015 à 10:13 Auteur: Cameron

Tabby gives you simple toggle tabs. It’s well documented and easy to use.

Le: 11 09 2015 à 10:10 Auteur: Cameron

Pullbox is a simple Dropbox alternative using Git. It works on any Linux-like OS and OSX.

Le: 10 09 2015 à 10:06 Auteur: Cameron

Fly is a modern build system for Node with a simple API, robust error handling, and concurrent tasks. It’s based in co-routines, generators, and promises.

Le: 08 09 2015 à 06:06 Auteur: Cameron

Stateless.js is a cross-browser context persistence library. It features asynchronous handlers, the ability to mark hashes as processed, and prevents consecutive processing of identical hashes.

Le: 07 09 2015 à 10:02 Auteur: Cameron

ItemSlide.js is a simple and beautiful touch carousel. It includes options for duration, swipe sensitivity, and more.

Le: 06 09 2015 à 10:55 Auteur: Cameron

Infinite-list is a 60fps infinite list built with JavaScript for mobile devices. It can be used with whatever rendering technique you like.

Le: 05 09 2015 à 10:42 Auteur: Cameron

Git Remote Dropbox acts as a transparent, bidirectional bridge between Git and a shared Dropbox. It maintains the guarantees that are provided by a traditional Git remote, all while using Dropbox as a backing store.

Le: 04 09 2015 à 10:53 Auteur: Cameron

Glide.js is a touch-friendly jQuery slider that’s simple, responsive, and fast. It’s lightweight thanks to its modular structure, very flexible, and easy to integrate and theme.

Le: 03 09 2015 à 10:45 Auteur: Cameron

Right-height dynamically makes your content containers the same height, regardless of content length. Just include it on your site, add the markup to your HTML, and initialize it to get started.

Le: 02 09 2015 à 10:53 Auteur: Cameron

Houdini is a simple collapse-and-expand widget that’s production-ready. Just include it on your site, add the markup to your HTML, and initialize it to get it up and running.

Le: 01 09 2015 à 10:29 Auteur: Cameron

Gumshoe is a simple, framework-agnostic scrollspy script. It’s easy to get started and fully documented.