WebdesignerNews - Archives (octobre 2015)

Web Developer Tools & Resources

Le: 31 10 2015 à 09:14 Auteur: Cameron

Sortable is a JavaScript library for creating sortable lists for modern browsers. There are tons of list type options and it doesn’t require jQuery.

Le: 30 10 2015 à 09:52 Auteur: Cameron

Haystack is modular search for Django. It lets you write your search code once and then choose the search engine you want to run it on.

Le: 29 10 2015 à 09:04 Auteur: Cameron

Immutable provides immutable collections for JavaScript. Immutable data can’t be changed once it’s been created, which leads to simpler app development.

Le: 28 10 2015 à 09:15 Auteur: Cameron

Cartridge is a Django shopping cart, with a ton of features. It includes features for product popularity, thumbnail generation, smart categories, and more.

Le: 27 10 2015 à 09:25 Auteur: Cameron

FeinCMS is a simple content management system built on Django. It uses bundled content types, and extensions allow it to be as complex (or simple) as you need.

Le: 26 10 2015 à 09:22 Auteur: Cameron

Beego is an open source framework for building applications the Go way. It’s easy to use, modular, and intelligent.

Le: 25 10 2015 à 09:15 Auteur: Cameron

Wraith is a responsive screenshot comparison tool. It’s well-documented and easy to install.

Le: 24 10 2015 à 10:03 Auteur: Cameron

Justified.js lets you create a justified image gallery with jQuery. It tries to show images at their original aspect ratio, but will crop them if necessary.

Le: 23 10 2015 à 10:10 Auteur: Cameron

Comic.js is a JavaScript library that lets you create cartoon-style drawings for HTML5 Canvas, Raphael.js, D3.js, and SVG.js. You can use it either for drawing comic style shapes or for cartoonizing an already existing SVG.

Le: 22 10 2015 à 10:11 Auteur: Cameron

Office UI Fabric is a front-end framework for building experiences for Office and Office 365. It’s mobile-first, responsive, and quick and simple to get started with.

Le: 21 10 2015 à 10:20 Auteur: Cameron

Formstone is a set of thoughtfully crafted front-end components, rather than a traditional framework. It’s responsive, lightweight, modular, and automated.

Le: 20 10 2015 à 10:09 Auteur: Cameron

Mimic isn’t a framework, it’s class-fied inline CSS. It makes controlling your class styles much easier, just by changing the class name.

Le: 19 10 2015 à 10:51 Auteur: Cameron

Fox CSS is a light CSS framework that’s equal parts resets and micro-framework. It’s secure, modular, and uses a Flexbox-based grid system.

Le: 18 10 2015 à 10:46 Auteur: Cameron

Neutron is a Sass framework that lets you create clear, flexible, semantic website layouts. It includes powerful features while maintaining a simple syntax.

Le: 17 10 2015 à 10:22 Auteur: Cameron

Droparea is an HTML5 file drag and drop component for React.js. It’s well documented and easy to get started with.

Le: 16 10 2015 à 10:58 Auteur: Cameron

Tinderesque is a Tinder-style card animation, that’s a great way to spice up a list sorter. It’s less complex than the real interface, with options for adding a counter, among other features.

Le: 15 10 2015 à 10:54 Auteur: Cameron

Jets.js is a native CSS search engine. It works with any tag, is faster than other search solutions, and works in all modern and mobile browsers.

Le: 14 10 2015 à 10:48 Auteur: Cameron

This Light Bootstrap Dashboard from Creative Tim gives you a simple, beautiful, responsive dashboard for your Bootstrap 3 applications. It contains multiple hand-picked, optimized plugins, and six color filters.

Le: 13 10 2015 à 10:55 Auteur: Cameron

Motion UI is a Sass library from Zurb for creating flexible CSS animations and transitions. It was formerly part of Foundation for Apps, but has been made an independent library and open sourced.

Le: 11 10 2015 à 10:46 Auteur: Cameron

Alex is a script for finding potentially insensitive and inconsiderate writing. It catches gender favoring, polarizing, race-related, religion inconsiderate, or other unequal phrasing in your writing or in others’.

Le: 10 10 2015 à 10:40 Auteur: Cameron

Clickspark.js lets you add particle effects to your JavaScript events. Just add image-files as single particles and define where and when a particle fountain should be fired.

Le: 09 10 2015 à 10:46 Auteur: Cameron

Corpus is a CSS toolkit that includes a grid, typography, sizing structure, positioning, whitespace, and more. It uses Flexbox, Prism.js, and SCSS.

Le: 08 10 2015 à 10:43 Auteur: Cameron

Horsey is a customizable, progressive autocomplete component. It even works in text fields (useful for things like @ mentions).

Le: 07 10 2015 à 10:14 Auteur: Cameron

UpUp is an offline-first library that lets you make your site available offline. It works for projects big and small, including making entire single page apps available offline, with custom data for each user.

Le: 06 10 2015 à 10:34 Auteur: Cameron

SassMeister is a Sass playground that also works with Compass and LibSass. Just add some Sass and SassMeister shows you the CSS.

Le: 05 10 2015 à 10:32 Auteur: Cameron

Caffeine is a set of Sass mixins and functions ready to use in your projects. They were originally included as definitions in Melange, but are now available to use on their own.

Le: 04 10 2015 à 10:26 Auteur: Cameron

Sphido is a rocket-fast CMS that’s lightweight and flat. It can be used with Markdown or HTML, runs on PHP, and is deathly simple.

Le: 03 10 2015 à 10:20 Auteur: Cameron

CSSNano is a modular CSS minifier that’s composed of single-responsibility PostCSS plugins. It takes your formatted CSS and runs it through optimizers to make it as small as possible.

Le: 02 10 2015 à 10:38 Auteur: Cameron

Skel is a lightweight, responsive framework for building sites and apps. It includes modules for layout, viewport management simplification, and more.

Le: 01 10 2015 à 10:29 Auteur: Cameron

Clipboard.js is a new way to copy text to the clipboard with no Flash and no dependencies. It’s compatible with modern versions of Firefox, Chrome, IE, and Opera, with Safari support through graceful degradation.