WebdesignerNews - Archives (novembre 2015)

Web Developer Tools & Resources

Le: 30 11 2015 à 09:23 Auteur: Cameron

ResponsifyJS makes truly responsive images while taking into account the content of photos. You can define the focus area or let it define it automatically.  

Le: 28 11 2015 à 09:53 Auteur: Cameron

React-theme is a simple inline style manager for organized and customizable CSS styles in React. It’s similar to material-ui’s ThemeManager, but more general.

Le: 27 11 2015 à 09:57 Auteur: Cameron

Tabby gives you lightweight, simple toggle tabs. It’s easy to install and can be used for buttons, lists, and more.

Le: 26 11 2015 à 09:48 Auteur: Cameron

Time Machine lets you fix mistakes in the design of CSS itself. It makes changes to alignment, background properties, corner radius, and more.

Le: 25 11 2015 à 09:07 Auteur: Cameron

CSSketch adds CSS support to Sketch 3 to speed up your workflow. Just attach a stylesheet to your designs to quickly change colors and shadows, lay out your design, and more.

Le: 24 11 2015 à 09:49 Auteur: Cameron

PatternPack makes it easy to create and maintain pattern libraries. It’s a static site generator that lets you document your UI using Markdown and just one grunt task.

Le: 23 11 2015 à 09:28 Auteur: Cameron

Woofmark is a modular, progressive Markdown and HTML editor you can embed in your apps. The API makes it easy to style to match your app’s design.

Le: 22 11 2015 à 09:24 Auteur: Cameron

DocumentCSS lets you create live style guides with interactive examples. It changes as your design does, and uses a combination of custom tags and markdown to parse comments on your CSS, LESS, or SASS.

Le: 21 11 2015 à 09:30 Auteur: Cameron

Hotel is a process manager for web developers. It lets you start your dev server without ever leaving your browser.

Le: 20 11 2015 à 09:33 Auteur: Cameron

Layers-CSS is an unobtrusive, style-agnostic, lightweight framework. It has a small footprint and a minimum-interference collection of common-sense default styles.

Le: 19 11 2015 à 09:52 Auteur: Cameron

Leaf is a CSS framework based on Google’s Material Design principles. It includes a bunch of common components, icons, grid, color palettes, and more.

Le: 18 11 2015 à 09:50 Auteur: Cameron

Wit.ai is a natural programming language for developers. It can be used for mobile apps, home automation, wearables, messenger agents, and more.

Le: 17 11 2015 à 09:53 Auteur: Cameron

jQuery.Parallax turns nodes into absolutely positioned layers that move in response to the user’s mouse. Layers move at different rates depending on their dimensions.

Le: 16 11 2015 à 09:09 Auteur: Cameron

DEEP is a serverless web framework that enables developers to build cloud-native applications. It uses a microservices approach for a completely serverless approach.

Le: 15 11 2015 à 09:06 Auteur: Cameron

jQueryConfig lets you optimize your jQuery installation by only using the parts you need. It can save up to 35% of the overall size.

Le: 14 11 2015 à 09:58 Auteur: Cameron

Trix is an open source rich text editor for everyday writing. It lets users compose beautifully formatted text from within your web application.

Le: 13 11 2015 à 09:54 Auteur: Cameron

Summernote is a simple WYSIWYG editor built on Bootstrap. It’s easy to install and customize, and integrates with any back-end technology.

Le: 12 11 2015 à 09:32 Auteur: Cameron

Rome is a customizable date and time picker. It has an opt-in UI and doesn’t require jQuery.

Le: 11 11 2015 à 09:10 Auteur: Cameron

Supersonic is a UI framework that lets you build data-driven apps that have native performance. Everything is there for hybrid app development right out of the gate.

Le: 10 11 2015 à 09:47 Auteur: Cameron

Overmind offers module isolation and lazy loading for Angular apps. It’s easy to get started with and fully documented.

Le: 09 11 2015 à 09:25 Auteur: Cameron

TremulaJS is a JavaScript UI component that enables responsive, Bézier-based content-stream interactions. They use kinetic scrolling and physics effects, and work with pointer, trackpad, and touch input.

Le: 08 11 2015 à 09:20 Auteur: Cameron

BackstopJS is an automated screenshot test application for responsive websites. It creates a reference screenshot that you can then use to find any CSS regressions that occur when editing your code.

Le: 07 11 2015 à 09:11 Auteur: Cameron

O-grid is a grid system built just for responsive layouts. It’s based on twelve columns and four different layouts, dependent on viewport size.

Le: 06 11 2015 à 09:04 Auteur: Cameron

CSSGram lets you recreate Instagram filters with CSS filters and blend modes. The library is tiny, less than 1kb gzipped, and includes 15 popular filters.

Le: 05 11 2015 à 09:52 Auteur: Cameron

Gogs is a self-hosted git service. It’s lightweight, easy to install, and cross-platform.

Le: 04 11 2015 à 09:57 Auteur: Cameron

Select is a JavaScript and CSS library that offers styleable select elements built on Tether. It has tons of themes and is fully documented.

Le: 03 11 2015 à 09:27 Auteur: Cameron

Offline.js is a library that automatically alerts users when they’ve lost internet connectivity. It then captures AJAX requests that were made while offline, and recreates them when internet connectivity is restored.

Le: 02 11 2015 à 09:44 Auteur: Cameron

Keystone is a Node.js content management system and web application platform. It offers dynamic routes, session management, email handling, and more.

Le: 01 11 2015 à 09:39 Auteur: Cameron

Ply is a modal/dialog system that offers a number of options and customizations. You can use it for alerts, confirmations, forms, multi-step dialogs, and more.