WebdesignerNews - Archives (février 2016)

Web Developer Tools & Resources

Le: 29 02 2016 à 09:12 Auteur: Cameron

Bliss.js is a set of helpers and light syntax over Vanilla JS. It was designed to be used with Polyfill.io for maximum browser support.

Le: 28 02 2016 à 09:23 Auteur: Cameron

Superpowers is an open source framework for making 2D and 3D HTML5 indie games. It offers real-time collaboration and is powered by TypeScript.

Le: 27 02 2016 à 09:04 Auteur: Cameron

Preact is a 3kb React alternative with the same ES6 API. It attempts to recreate the core value proposition of libraries like React using as little code as possible.

Le: 25 02 2016 à 09:33 Auteur: Cameron

Cocycles is a search engine for open source projects and code. It currently supports JavaScript, but support for PHP, Java, Ruby, and more are on the way.

Le: 24 02 2016 à 09:19 Auteur: Cameron

ArnoldC is a programming language based on Arnold Schwarzenneger’s famous one-liners. Use lines like “No Problemo”, “Do It Now”, and “Talk to the Hand” instead of “True”, “CallMethod”, and “Print”, respectively.

Le: 23 02 2016 à 09:39 Auteur: Cameron

Gatsby makes it simple to turn plain text into dynamic blogs and websites using React.js. It supports Markdown, HTML, and React.js components out of the box, and it’s easy to add support for additional files types.  

Le: 22 02 2016 à 09:47 Auteur: Cameron

Enhance.js lets you zoom and dynamically crop images. It works with Velocity.js and includes some classes to get you started cropping.

Le: 21 02 2016 à 09:30 Auteur: Cameron

Timbre.js provides functional processing and synthesizing of audio with modern JavaScript for your web app. It’s goal is to create the next generation of audio processing for the web.

Le: 19 02 2016 à 09:19 Auteur: Cameron

Vorpal is a framework that makes it easy to build immersive command-line applications. It uses familiar JavaScript syntax, has powerful built-in defaults, and more.

Le: 18 02 2016 à 09:10 Auteur: Cameron

Rikulo UI is a Dart framework for creating cross-platform web and native mobile applications with HTML5. It uses a structured UI model and offers a responsive UX across desktop & touch devices.

Le: 17 02 2016 à 09:02 Auteur: Cameron

Microscope is a fast and simple boilerplate for developing Atomic Design Systems. It creates and organizes your atoms, molecules, organisms, templates and pages; generates an Atomic Style guide; and builds your Vanilla CSS UI framework based on your Atomic System.

Le: 16 02 2016 à 09:21 Auteur: Cameron

TruckJS is an open-source mobile app framework. It provides layouts, widgets, touch gestures, data filtering, data binding, and more, all with clean code.

Le: 14 02 2016 à 09:15 Auteur: Cameron

Flutter helps you build high-performance, high-fidelity mobile apps for iOS and Android from a single codebase. It’s still early stage, but you can build demos and example products now.

Le: 13 02 2016 à 09:09 Auteur: Cameron

StringBean is a responsive, featherweight CSS framework. It uses a 16-point grid instead of a 12-point one, specifically designed for high resolutions screens (it excels at 4K).

Le: 12 02 2016 à 09:58 Auteur: Cameron

Angular Material makes it easy to implement Material Design in Angular JS. It provides a set of reusable, well-tested, and accessible UI components.

Le: 11 02 2016 à 09:49 Auteur: Cameron

SpiritJS lets you easily animate objects on the web. It includes full timeline control, an intuitive UI that’s easy to use, and JSON import and export functions, among other features.

Le: 10 02 2016 à 09:18 Auteur: Cameron

Express Admin is a NodeJS tool for creating user-friendly admin interfaces for various SQL databases, including MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, and PostgreSQL. It’s built with Hogan.js (mustache.js), Express, MySQL, and Bootstrap.

Le: 09 02 2016 à 09:08 Auteur: Cameron

Bulma is a CSS framework based on Flexbox. It’s responsive and has a simple grid system.

Le: 06 02 2016 à 09:19 Auteur: Cameron

jsfmt helps you format, search, and rewrite your JavaScript. It helps keep your code neat, smartly find patterns, and then clean and refactor your code.

Le: 05 02 2016 à 12:10 Auteur: Cameron

Multi-Screen.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that lets you turn a single page into a collection of screens with animated navigation. It’s as simple as dividing up your single page into divs to correspond with each screen.

Le: 04 02 2016 à 09:33 Auteur: Cameron

HumHub is an open source social network kit that’s great for social intranets, enterprise social networks, and private social networks. It’s self-hosted and has a powerful module system.

Le: 03 02 2016 à 09:31 Auteur: Cameron

Loading Buttons are simple, animated buttons that show loading indicators that change to show whether the button action was successful or not.

Le: 02 02 2016 à 09:39 Auteur: Cameron

Calabash lets you write and execute automated acceptance tests of mobile apps. It supports both Android and iOS.

Le: 01 02 2016 à 12:36 Auteur: Cameron

DPM is a package manager for Sketch plugins. It lets you simply keep plugins synced across teams and devices.