WebdesignerNews - Archives (mars 2016)

Web Developer Tools & Resources

Le: 31 03 2016 à 10:31 Auteur: Cameron

Draft.js is a rich text editor framework for React. It makes it easy to build any kind of rich text input, for everything from supporting some inline text styles to editors for composing long-form articles.

Le: 29 03 2016 à 10:05 Auteur: Cameron

Jolteon is a Babel + Electron + React + Browserify + Sass application stack. It lets you build your app with one command, open a live-reloading instance of your app with another, and lint your app using a third command.

Le: 27 03 2016 à 10:25 Auteur: Cameron

OptionTree is a WordPress theme options UI builder that can be used for free or premium themes. It uses a drag and drop interface for building the theme options panel, making it super easy to get started with.

Le: 26 03 2016 à 09:14 Auteur: Cameron

Outline Mail is an easy to use HTML email framework. It includes mix and match responsive email components that are fully tested in over 30 email clients.

Le: 25 03 2016 à 09:42 Auteur: Cameron

The WordPress Widget Boilerplate was created to help you write more maintainable WP widgets. It includes good file organization, documented code, and more.

Le: 24 03 2016 à 09:54 Auteur: Cameron

WPDK is a WordPress development kit that makes it easy to create easy to maintain plugins and themes. It improves the WordPress kernel and enhances its base functions and classes.

Le: 23 03 2016 à 09:47 Auteur: Cameron

Guff is a Sass helper framework that includes useful mixins, functions, and more. It’s easy to set up and use.

Le: 20 03 2016 à 09:36 Auteur: Cameron

Grd is a CSS grid framework using Flexbox. It’s only 512 bytes (Gzipped), and provides just two base classes.

Le: 19 03 2016 à 09:13 Auteur: Cameron

Hoisin.scss is a responsive front-end mini framework written in Sass. It focuses on organization, speed, and flexibility.

Le: 18 03 2016 à 09:19 Auteur: Cameron

html5validator is a command line tool for validating your HTML5 files. It was written with static site generators in mind.

Le: 17 03 2016 à 09:48 Auteur: Cameron

Hocus Pocus is a design-free Sass framework inspired by InuitCSS and Primer. It’s a universal and lightweight stylesheet starter kit that focuses on the most common features.

Le: 16 03 2016 à 09:29 Auteur: Cameron

Bemify is a set of Sass mixins for writing maintainable, idiomatic, well-structured BEM-style .scss source code. It can be installed as a Ruby Gem, NPM module, or via Bower.

Le: 14 03 2016 à 09:03 Auteur: Cameron

Stellar is a LESS library that helps you scaffold your web apps. It’s simple to use and supported on most modern browsers.

Le: 13 03 2016 à 09:18 Auteur: Cameron

Administrate is a Rails engine for building a super-flexible admin dashboard. The dashboards give non-technical users clean interfaces that allow them to create, edit, search, and delete records.

Le: 12 03 2016 à 09:07 Auteur: Cameron

The Periodic Table of WordPress Plugins is an excellent reference for the most popular WP plugins out there, in a fun and easy to use format. Plugins are displayed in order of popularity.

Le: 11 03 2016 à 09:57 Auteur: Cameron

Basil.js provides the missing smart persistent layer for JavaScript. It enables unified localstorage, and cookie and session storage.

Le: 10 03 2016 à 09:06 Auteur: Cameron

Min is a super tiny CSS framework, coming in at only 995 bytes. It has exceptional browser support and semantic markup.

Le: 08 03 2016 à 09:15 Auteur: Cameron

Morphy-Toolbar is a morphing toolbar that can expand or collapse at any time. It’s easy to integrate with several customizations already possible.

Le: 07 03 2016 à 09:18 Auteur: Cameron

Branches is an iOS app that lets you manage your GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket projects from your iPhone or iPad. It lets you navigate open or closed issues, see all commits, and renders Markdown perfectly (including images).

Le: 06 03 2016 à 09:41 Auteur: Cameron

Hermione-JS is a framework-agnostic JavaScript model built as part of a weekend hackathon. It maps a REST API to an object data model.

Le: 05 03 2016 à 09:32 Auteur: Cameron

Meatier is a Meteor alternative. It has the exact same functionality as Meteor, but without the monolithic structure.

Le: 04 03 2016 à 09:25 Auteur: Cameron

Hanami is a modern web framework for Ruby. It has over 100 features, it’s optimized for speed, and secure by default.

Le: 03 03 2016 à 09:53 Auteur: Cameron

LettError gives you scalable, interpolating vector shapes that can make themselves fit in a range of rectangles. It depends on Snap.svg and jQuery.

Le: 02 03 2016 à 09:23 Auteur: Cameron

Spine.js is a framework for building JavaScript MVC applications. It’s simple and lightweight, without a bunch of complicated widgets to configure and theme.

Le: 01 03 2016 à 09:18 Auteur: Cameron

Pressure.js is a JavaScript library for working with Apple’s Force Touch and 3D Touch. It uses a simple API and also has sensible fallbacks for browsers that don’t support it.