Web Developer Tools & Resources
Redbeard makes it faster and easier to create native apps without a boilerplate. It’s a complete framework with tons of components.
Bootstrap Tour is an easy way to add a tooltip tour to your website. It even works if you don’t use Bootstrap!
Liquid is a safe, customer-facing template language for apps. It was created by Shopify and written in Ruby.
Rocket.chat is an open source web chat platform. It’s multi-platform and highly configurable.
Howler.js is an audio library for the modern web. It makes working with audio in JavaScript easy and reliable across all platforms.
Dio is a lightweight virtual DOM framework. It’s only 6kb minified and gzipped.
APImock is a very basic fake API server. It can be used for building the front end of an app before the back end is ready.
Weex is a mobile cross-platform UI framework. It’s lightweight, high-performance, and extendable.
BlazeCSS is a modular CSS framework for building well-structured websites quickly. It’s halfway between monolithic frameworks like Bootstrap and microframeworks like Milligram.
Stack Overflow Documentation is a comprehensive crowd-sourced programming language documentation site. It covers everything from CSS to PHP to MySQL and dozens of others.
Teradata Covalent is a UI platform that’s built on Material Design and Angular 2.0. It will give you a jumpstart for building a modern web application UI and ensuring consistency across Teradata products.
Oryoki is a small, experimental web browser built with Electron on top of Chromium. It includes video recording, screen grabs, a mini console, and more.
Hack.css is a dead simple CSS framework inspired by Markdown styling. It’s super easy to install and use.
Laverna is an open source, private notetaking app that uses Markdown. There’s no registration required and there is a self-hosted version available.
Fathom is an experimental project that aims to extract meaning from web pages. It does so by identifying parts like Previous/Next buttons, address forms, and the main textual content.
JB is a simple, fast JSON API template engine for Ruby on Rails. It’s simpler and faster than Jbuilder.
Just is a library of dependency-free npm modules that do just one thing.
Moeditor is an all-purpose Markdown editor built with Electron.
Felony is an open source PGP keychain built on the modern web with Electron, React, and Redux. It’s the first PGP app that’s easy for anyone to use without tutorials.
Ress is a modern CSS reset. It uses Normalize.css with some customizations to apply a solid base for your stylesheets.
Talisman is a logicless, streaming templating system and language for Node.js. It uses a simple syntax, based around blocks and variables.
Iterall is a set of minimal, zero-depencendy utilities for using Iterables in all JavaScript environments. It even works in old versions of Internet Explorer.
CloudRail is an API library for Android, Java, and iOS that lets you integrate multiple services with just one API. It’s completely free for both personal and commercial projects.
Racket is a Yeoman generator for universal and isomorphic web apps. It lets you choose the technologies and tools you want most and then offers them in a maintainable structure.
Jenkins is an open source automation server. It provides hundreds of plugins to support building, deploying and automating any project.
CSS to React is a simple tool for converting your CSS to React. Just copy and paste your code.
Lerna is a tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages. It optimizes the workflow around managing multi-package repositories with git and npm.
Tocbot is a table of contents generator that uses the heading structure of an HTML document to create your TOC. It makes documentation websites or long markdown pages easier to navigate and more useful.
Michelangelo Styleguide is a living styleguide that updates based on the comments in your codebase. Styleguides give consistency and make your code easier to maintain.