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Le: 29 08 2017 à 22:28 Auteur: Marco

Our first bot built with Bot Framework didn’t handle much user input. LUIS was able to recognize the text and start the dialog, but what if you want your bot to ask the user for input? That’s where prompt dialogs kick in. There are several of these dialogs available for you to use to manage conversation flow and each of them will render differently on several channels. Let’s see how these prompt dialogs work! Prompt dialogs Bot framework has a couple of prompt dialogs built in that you can work with. Prompt dialog Description Text Asks the user to enter a string of text. Confirm Asks the user for confirmation. Number Asks the user to enter a number. Choice Asks the user to choose from a list of options. Attachment Asks the user to upload an image or video. Text The simplest prompt dialog is the Text, where you ask the user for a string of text. [LuisIntent("OrderFood")] public async Task OrderFood(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result) { PromptDialog.Text(context, ResumeAfterOrderFoodClarification, "What food do you want to order?"); } private async Task ResumeAfterOrderFoodClarification(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<string> result) { var food = await result; await context.PostAsync($"I see you want to order {food}."); } Confirm The

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Le: 22 08 2017 à 21:22 Auteur: Marco

Now that we’ve built our first bot with Bot Framework that’s running locally, let’s move forward by making it publicly available. We’ll do so by running the bot in Microsoft Azure. By doing this, we’ll make it easier to connect your bot with services like Slack or Messenger. Take note Azure is not required (any hosting platform will do), but since it makes things a lot easier we’ll go for Azure. Requirements Before we continue, make sure you have met the following requirements: Once again, I’ll be using Visual Studio as my IDE. The Bot Framework project that we’ll be running in Azure. I’ll be using the one from my previous article. A Microsoft Azure account. Registration Head over to Bot Framework to register your bot. Under My Bots, select Create a bot. Continue in order to create a new bot and fill in the required fields. I decided to call my bot mfRestaurant and use that as BotID as well (mf is short for Marcofolio). Under Configuration, you’ll have to set your Messaging endpoint. When hosting in Azure, your endpoint will look somewhat like: Where BOT_URL will contain the URL of your bot in Azure, in my case

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Le: 15 08 2017 à 21:45 Auteur: Marco

Chatbots (or bots) are hot. Retrieving data through natural language is getting more and more common. Many people already have apps like Slack or Messenger installed and letting them use your application through these channels can provide you with more opportunities. In this article I’ll show you how to build your first chat bot with Bot Framework and LUIS. Although LUIS is not required for the bot framework itself, we dive directly in the combination of both. Check out my previous article on how to set up LUIS. Building a bot with the Bot Framework is extremely easy, yet very powerful. Let’s see how this can be done! Build a great conversationalist. Requirements Before we continue, make sure you have the following installed: I’ll be using Visual Studio as my IDE. Bot Framework Visual Studio Template: This allows you to create a Bot Framework project easily. Microsoft Bot Framework Emulator: Needed to emulate talking to your bot. A LUIS model. I’ll be using my RestaurantLuisModel from my previous article. Don’t forget to publish this app in LUIS. The Project Download the Bot Framework Visual Studio Template and install it as a ProjectTemplates. Once installed correctly, create a new project in

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Le: 09 08 2017 à 21:37 Auteur: Marco

There already are several articles on my blog around the subject of the Microsoft Cognitive Services. One that’s still missing, is LUIS – the Language Understanding Intelligent Service. So today, I’ll give you a brief introduction about LUIS so you’ll be able to know what it is and what it can do. As a demo, we’re trying to teach an AI to act like a restaurant where we want to order some food. Hello LUIS! What is LUIS? LUIS is part of the Microsoft Cognitive Services which means that it’s part of an extremely powerful yet easy set of APIs developers can use in order to tap into the massive power of machine learning. As the name suggests, LUIS is specifically made to understand language. Although it might look simple at first, it’s actually a lot harder than you might think. Sentences and utterances can be completely different, although they mean exactly the same. Consider the following examples: I want to order food Bring me a hamburger I want to place an order The sentences look totally different, they have the same intent: order some food. Normally, you would try to parse each sentence (maybe through the usage of regular

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Le: 03 08 2017 à 22:36 Auteur: Marco

Last May, turned 10 years old. Although I’m not blogging as frequently anymore as back when I started, I’m still dedicated to share my passion and inspire my readers. That’s why I’m bringing you vNext, a complete overhaul and redesign of my blog. I decided to go for a minimal & clean theme to keep focus on the most important thing: the content. I decided to focus this blog on development, split in different categories like Xamarin, Cognitive Services and Web Development. You’ll find all other categories on the top of this page. The logo The new logo is inspired by lines of code I’m especially happy with the new logo, proudly showing off at the top of this site. The new logo is inspired by lines of code and has been created with my brother Auke from Rocket Media. My previous logo looked a little bit like a fidget spinner so I’m totally excited to share you my vNext logo. The old The last redesign of was from 2009 and could really use a 2017-update. My old blog was running on Joomla!, but moving forward I decided to switch to WordPress. I’ve moved over a couple

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