- Archives (mars 2018)

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Le: 27 03 2018 à 21:29 Auteur: Marco

Universal Links are a great way in iOS to create a more seamless experience for the user between a website and an app. The concept has already been around since iOS9 and is well documented, but I wanted to see how this works together with Xamarin.Forms. Turns out, it’s pretty easy! For this demo we’ll be using Xamarin.Forms and a ASP.NET Core website hosted in Azure. You can view the source on Github if you directly want to dive into the code. Otherwise, read on and learn how to add support for iOS Universal Links in Xamarin.Forms working on ASP.NET Core Web App hosted in Microsoft Azure. The setup In order to get started, I’ll be using the following setup: Visual Studio for Mac (VS for Windows would work too). A subscription on Azure to deploy a website. An iPhone. Important: iOS Universal Links does not work in the iOS Simulator. You’ll need a physical device running iOS9+. An Apple Developer account to deploy the app to a device. Start up Visual Studio and create a New Solution… Create a Blank Forms App and since we’re only interested in iOS for this demo, remove Android as a Target Platform and

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