- Archives (aout 2018)

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Le: 29 08 2018 à 14:15 Auteur: Marco

CocosSharp is a library for building 2D games using C# and F#. It is a .NET port of the popular Cocos2D engine. I wanted to play around with this library for a while and came up with a very simple demo to get a basic understanding of it. This demo shows how to create a Particle follower. Simply drag your finger across the screen and a particle explosion will occur! You can view the source on Github if you directly want to dive into the code. Otherwise, read on and learn how to build a particle follower using the CocosSharp 2D Game Engine and Xamarin.Forms to build a beautiful cross-platform app. The goal The goal is to create a neat particle follower that follows your fingers around on the phone when you touch it. Although it’s not very useful, it’s beautiful to look at and will help you get your first steps into development with CocosSharp. Play around with the source to change colors, speed and more! Getting started I’ll use Xamarin.Forms as starting point. Simply add the CocosSharp.Forms NuGet package to all Projects (iOS, Android and .NET Standard). Once we got that in place, let’s move on! Device specific

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